Containment Berm Ground Tarp 11' x 11': For all 4' x 6', 6' x 6', and 10' x 10' Containment Berms Part #8311
Frequently Asked Questions
You can use whatever size ground tarp that you feel is necessary. We do, however, provide some guidance with the parts that we list. For smaller berms (10′ x 10′) and smaller, we recommend an 11′ x 11′ ground tarp. For larger berm we usually recommend a tarp that is 4 feet wider and 4 feet longer than the berm. This will provide some “wiggle room” as far as placing the berm squarely on top of the ground tarp.
Yes, we can make both, the ground tarp and ground tarp plus, to whatever size you need.
The ground tarp plus (as you might guess from its name) is a heavier duty material and will stand up for larger/sharper rocks and debris.
Ground tarps, ground tarp plus, and track belts are not attached to the berm unless you order the “All-In-One” option.
No, it is not difficult. You can watch this video to get a better idea of what is required: https://youtu.be/mgC0JCfZvEU. And, of course, you can always contact us for more information.
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Helps Comply with These Rules & Regulations
This product may not address any specific regulations but if you have any questions, we’re here to help.